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RE: Fishing

> 	This is Brok. The information that I have on period fishing, mostly 
> is taken from The Art of Fishing with an Angle, by Julianne Burners (Dame). 
> This is a wonderful booklet of information that was attached to the Book of 
> St Albans in 1492. What the Dame has done is produced a how to make your

Hey neat -- I looked at the Boke of St. Albans years ago, but I didn't
remember there was any fishing in it, just hunting and hawking.

> hands of the common people, so that they won't spend their time being lazy, 
> fishing... This is a Gentlemans sport" or something like that).

Hey, Miriam -- he's not being lazy, he's doing historical re-creation! :-)

I don't think I'm going to be at University in April, but I'll look for
you at other events.  I'm mostly interested in making neat stuff, rather
than the actual fishing.
  Robyyan Torr d'Elandris  Kapellenberg, Windmaster's Hill  Atlantia
  Dennis R. Sherman  	         Triangle Research Libraries Network
  dennis_sherman@unc.edu       Univ. of North Carolina - Chapel Hill