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Duck Pins Etc.

May I say I am enjoying this thread, as well as the other on Fireside Stories, 
more than anything I've enjoyed lately???  It has been a real treat to open my 
mailbox, lately!  Thanks & vivat to all of you!!! :-)

> The sad part, of course, is that the puck was nowhere near them at 
> the time.  And even if it had been, empirical evidence suggests 
> that County rank players from northern climes are more likely to 
> score, although Dukes make more noise when doing so. 

Ouch!  Oooowww!  Ooooh ..... some of these puns hurt so good .... :-)

> Dafydd 

Happy Saint's Day to your persona, good milord, and to all Welsh personae who 
recognize David of Menevia as the patron of the Principality! :-)  or as the 
Welsh say, Bendith Wyl Dewi i Chdi! 
