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A Blackbird's Lament

[Eogan stands up from his seat, and walks up to the fire.  He warms himself
and then turns to face those seated.]

We've heard many a humorous song and tale this e'en.  But I'm of the mind fer
somethin' a wee bit more melancholy right yet.  Here is my respose to a song
I heard from a travelin' band o' bards by the odd name o' "Silly Wizard."
 One of the bards larn'd this sad song from his great aunt.  It told of a
sailor, returned from a voyage only to find his true love settin' off on a
voyage o' her own.  Overcome wi' grief, he wishes he were a blackbird, so
that he could fly off after her.  A sad tale of it's own right.
But I composed anither.  This tells of a blackbird, who has fallen in love
upon the sight of a gorgeous young lass sailin' on a boat far below him.
 Overcome with love, he follows her on her voyage, longing to be anything
 but a blackbird, so that he may be with her.  So here is 

A Blackbird's Lament

I am a young blackbird
     I can whistle and sing
I follow the vessel
     My true love sails in
And in the top riggings
     I there built my nest
Where I flutter my wings
     O'er her lily white breast

If I were a soldier
     And could handle a sword
I'd fight for her honor
     And swear by her word
And then she would love me
     Her handsome young knight
And we'd stand together
     In darkness and light

But I am a blackbird
     I can whistle and sing
So I follow the vessel
     My true love sails in
And in the top riggings
     I there built my nest
And flutter my wings 
     O'er her lily white breast

Oh, if I were a fisherman
     And had rod and reel
I'd spend my days fishing
     And fillin' my creel
And when the day's over
     And I long for rest
I'd spend the cold evenings
     In the arms I love best


If I were a sailor
     And sailed the wild seas
And served on that vessel
     With my ttrue love I'd be
I'd keep her from danger
     And sail my ship well
So she'd ride in safety
     Through tempest and gale


Oh, if I were a scholar
     And could handle a pen
One secred love letter
     To my true love I'd send
And I'd tell of my sorrow
     My greif and my pain
That I can ne'er touch her
     Nor whisper her name


Love, it does blind me
     For I cannot see
That me and my false love
     Married shall never be
Tho I've never told her
     And I never will
While there's breath in my body
     She's the one that I love still


But I am a blackbird
     I can whistle and sing
And when the dawn rises
     My song it will bring
I'll sing for my true love
     My song strong and true
With a voice like no man could have
     I'll pledge my love to you

For I am a blackbird
     I can whistle and sing
I follow the vessel
     My true love sails in
And in the top riggings
     I there built my nest
And flutter my wings
     O'er her lily white breast

[His story now over, his song now sung, Eogan returns to his seat, and nurses
his mug]