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Medieval mailing lists

Greetings, One and All

While I hesitate to add to the traffic here, I though y'all might be 
interested in the list below.


ANSAX-L@WVNVM.wvnet.edu. Anglo-Saxon/Old English studies c.449-1100.

ARTHURNET@morgan.ucs.mun.ca. Arthurian subjects. This list supercedes CAMELOT.

ASSISI-L@AUVM.american.edu. Franciscan list.

BMMR-L@cc.BRYNMAWR.edu. (MAILSERV). The Bryn Mawr Medieval Review.
Reviews of books in Medieval Studies.

BMR-L@cc.BRYNMAWR.ed. (MAILSERV). To subscribe to both the lists above
without duplicated material. Reviews come out in batches about six times a year.

BYZANS-L@MIZZOU1.missouri.edu. Issues in Byzantine studies.

CAMELOT@castle.ed.ac.uk. (REQUEST-CAMELOT) Arthurian Discussion, but
defunct and superceded by ARTHURNET.

CELTIC-L@IREARN.ucd.ie. Celtic culture.

CHAUCER@UICVM.uic.edu. Medieval English literature and culture 1100-1500.

EARLYM-L@awiuni11.edvz.univie.ac.at. (bitnet: AEARN). Early music discussion.

ERASMUS Renaissance and Reformation studies. To subscribe, write

FICINO@vm.utcc.utoronto.ca. (bitnet: UTORONTO). Centre for Reformation Studies at
Victoria College, Univ. Toronto, discussion of culture, 1350-1700.

GERLINGL@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu. (bitnet:UIUCVMD) Older (to 1500) Germanic

HISLAW-L@ULKYVM.louisville.edu History of Law (feudal, common, canon).

HISTORY-VASCO@mailbase.ac.uk. (MAILBASE; JOIN). 15-16th century Portugese

INTERSCRIPTA@morgan.ucs.mun.ca. moderated topics in medieval studies.

MDVLPHIL@LSUVM.sncc.lsu.edu. Medieval philosophy and socio-political thought.

MED-AND-REN-MUSIC@mailbase.ac.uk. (MAILBASE; JOIN) The study of
medieval and renaissance music. If trouble subscribing, contact Isobel Preece
(Isobel.Preece @newcastle.ac.uk).

MEDART-L@epas.utornto.ca. (Bitnet: URTORONTO). History of medieval art, broadly
costrued. Jesse Foley Brink. jbrink@epas.utronoto.ca.

MEDEVLIT@SIUCVMB.siu.edu. Medieval English literature discussion.

MEDIEV-L@UKANVM.cc.ukans.edu. Medieval History.

MEDLITERACY@uclink.berkeley.edu. Medieval literacy and the significance of literacy.
To subscribe, write Katherine Zieman (medliteracy-request @uclink.berkeley.edu)

MEDSCI-L@BROWNVM.brown.edu. Medieval and Renaissance Science.

MEDTEXT-L@vmd.cso.uiuc.edu. (bitnet: UIUCVMD). General medieval literature and
textual studies.

OE-CALL (journal) Old English Computer-Assisted Language Learning Newsletter. To
subscribe: write either Clare Lees LEES@FORDMURH or Patrick W. Conner


ORDNORSENET@vinga.hum.gu.se. Forum foer fornnordisk forskning.

ORFEO@unicorn.acs.ttu.edu. (LISTPROC). Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic poetry.

PERFORM@IUBVM.ucs.indiana.edu. Medieval performing arts

REED-L@vm.utcc.utoronto.ca. (bitnet: UTORONTO). Discussion of feudal English
drama, music, ceremony.

RENAIS-L@ULKYVM.louisville.edu. History of the Renaissance.

RENDANCE@morgan.ucs.mun.ca. Renaissance dance

SHAKSPER@vm.utcc.utoronto.ca. (bitnet: UTORONTO). Shakespeare Electronic

TEXT@vinga.hum.gu.se. Old Swedish texts Discussion List.

TML-L@IUBVM.ucs.indiana.edu. Database for Latin music theory

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