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Re[2]: Ianthe and Linguistics

     Alianora consults her references and offers suggestion on the matter 
     of how to avoid offense in Henry's native language:
After considerable discussion of phonemes, and repeated references to my 
course in European languages, Ianthe asks if there are any words innocuous 
to us which are dire insults to Henry.  Your Excellency, I cannot answer 
that question, Henry's native tongue being something other than those
with which I am familiar, and sometimes seemingly not even part of the 
Indo-European language family. I suspect there are not even Henry-English 
dictionaries available.  Trial and error may be the only way to discover 
if simple words are terms of abuse.

--Alianora (quietly retreating to the relative safety of an obscure 13th 
century Franco-Flemish dialect)

     To the learned Alianora, from Ianthe -
     Thank you for the benefit of your wisdom.  Your example inspires me. 
     In the spirit of academic inquiry, when next I meet the curious 
     Henry, I will launch into a string of phrases to see if any evoke 
     negative response.  Of course, I will make sure he is not especially 
     armed and in good humor before I begin.  In addition, I will wear 
     shorter skirts, so that I may flee at the first sign of trouble.
     To assist my research, I will employ a fleet-footed page or scribe to 
     take down my phrases and make note of Henry's reactions.  By doing 
     this, I hope to compile a list of that which must be avoided.  
     Once compiled, I will offer to you any lists I make, that should you 
     be interested, you could begin a scholarly dictionary of 
     -Ianthe                                      kim.salazar@em.doe.gov
     (Who wonders if this counts as 
     research from primary sources)