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Short Articles on Games/Toy wanted

Greetings Lords and Ladies,
  Lady Tehair MacDirmada and myself are searching for gentles who wish to be
published in a Complete Anachronist issue dealing with period children's
games, toys & activities.  With the generous help of the Baroness Annejke
MacAiodh, editor of the CA, we hope to collects a series of articles from
different writers with different interests.  Lady Tehir will be writing a
piece about children group games, while I may contribute one about medievel
kites.  We may have other articles line up concerning wooden toys and dolls.
 However, we still need more!

  We are looking for articles of ANY size, from one page to thirty.  Best
size would be about six to nine pages, so we can have dozen or so sections in
the CA.  As long as the theme is in the area of children's activities, we are
interested in talking with you.  Please, if you have any ideas about writing
about some topic you love, but are to shy, contact us.  Lady Tehir and myself
will be editing, and are willing to help out first time writers.  We may be
even able to match you with someone, so you can contribute a joint work.

  This is your chance to be published and help us out!!!!  Please contact us
by phone or email

In service to the Society,

Kenwrec FitzRaymund
MKA Steve Sheets
Email: MageSteve@AOL.Com
Home Phone: 703-391-5681