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Creating a new sport

Corun MacAnndra wrote:

> Miriam writes:
> > Klaus writes:
> > 
> > >Ah, but the answer is simple! Henry doesn't fizz when you pry his hat 
> > off and then try to stuff limes down his throat! The noises he DOES 
> > 
> > I as: How do you know. Have you ever tried prying his hat off and stuffing 
> > limes down his throat? Should we?
> > 			Miriam
> Could this sport replace Cambok?
I don't think my blood will ever boil for stuffing limes down Henry's 
throat, however, it might make an interesting spectator sport, at least 
the first time.  Of course, watching Henry being teased is always fun.

Speakth Leifr, who, having been the subject of much teasing and derision 
recently, rather tends to take Henry's part in all this, except it's more 
fun not to...