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Warm greetings this spring day to all.
My name is Evita Maria da Lombardi and I hail from
Cyddlain Downs in Nottinghill Coill, almost as far south one
can go and still be an Atlantian.  My primary interest is fencing,
My other interests include (after a really spectacular explosion)
sampling fine mead, Italian Ren garb, the history of the Catholic
Church and other facets of Italian history.  
I have lived in Meridies, but have been an Atlantian for almost
3 years now.  For a while in the early days, I was on this list
but had to leave.  Hopefully, I will be able to catch up with the
current threads but for now .......Hello Atlantia!

      I>\Yvette Shecut yshecut@deis.scarolina.edu/    
  (O) I>/--====================================(>>x>>x>>O
   \\_ /Keep the Dream alive, reach the stars! \<I
               "But I AM Left-handed!"          \