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Re: Under: If only I knew about this earlier
Concerning the exhibit on Renaissance architectural models, Leifr lamented:
>Now if only I can find time to get to the exhibit.
But it's *not* too late to catch the new exhibit at the Folger
Shakespeare Library! Here's the blurb from today's WASHINGTON POST ...
Enormous ruffs, brave adventures in the New World
and a bard named Bill are ingrained images of England
in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, but the
"Elizabethan Households" exhibition at the Folger
Shakespeare Library offers an alternative glimpse
into the lives of regular folks through books,
furniture, utensils and decorative objects of the
period. So much of the day-to-day detail from three
centuries ago is similar to today's that it renders
recurring household evidence of a society obsessed
with death, godliness and a rigid social order all
the more striking.
-- Michael Farquhar
At the Folger Shakespeare Library, through May 20.
Open Monday to Saturday 10 am to 4 pm. Free.
You see, Leifr? The Lord of Cool Museum Exhibits giveth even as he
taketh away!
Sainrith & Antoinette de la Russe, and any other College seneschals out
there -- wanna organize a mass field trip to go out and see this exhibit
and the Medieval rooms at the west building of the National Gallery? Let
me know if you're interested ... the Folger & Gallery are both Metro
accessible, maybe if this works out, we can plan another trip to see the
Washington Cathedral and the National Shrine, which are slightly less
Metro-friendly ...
Yours in Service to the Dream,
Lady Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal
No longer yellow -- I'm feeling muuuuuuch better now. :)