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Re: Under: If only I knew about this earlier

Greetings Lady Karen the Dane-gerous and all the Merry Rose

Lady Karen writes:

> Concerning the exhibit on Renaissance architectural models, Leifr lamented:
> >Now if only I can find time to get to the exhibit.
Fortunately, I found about an hour to see the exhibit Sunday morning.  
Well worth the effort, though I was rushed.  The models were beautiful 
(and big), and the detailing was extrodinary.  I hope a lot of people got 
to see it.

> But it's *not* too late to catch the new exhibit at the Folger 
> Shakespeare Library!  

Oh, great, as though my next three weeks weren't busy enough already ;-).

In Service
Leifr Johansson
CFFP "Si non tibi placet, non emendate agis"
which I am told means "If it doesn't please you, you're not doing it right"