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Fern and I were chatting last University, and she posited that pretty much
everyone in the world has some specific superpower.

Since that day, I have been trying to determine what my superpower is.
I report that I have

   1) The ability to make traffic lights turn green, just by saying
"Hocus Pocus Indianocus". I inherited this superpower from my maternal

   2) I can recite, totally from memory, all the words to the "Meow Mix"
commercial jingle.

   3) I believe that I have the latent superpower of producing nickels from
my ears, as my grandfather had that power and I may have inherited it.

Do any of you know what your superpower(s) is/are? 


--------- John Strauss     gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu ---------
University Atlantia #38 is April 8th at Rencester on the William
and Mary Campus. The Catalog is coming out Real Soon Now.
Need bids for UA #39 on July 1st.  - Henry Best, UA Chancellor