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Re[4]: Fireside song
Greetings, all.
I'm not one to prefer trampling upon others spirits but I received a
post that makes the short hairs on my neck stand up.
I trust that anyone who bothered to take part in the thread "Fireside
song" has received something similar.
If you did, my heart out to you; if you didn't, share this for a
moment and be glad you didn't receive it personally.
For those whose days I dampened, I shall endeavor in the future to
make amends.
To the one named Llywelen ap Rhotbert ap Gwyllym, find me at an event.
My personal remarks are for you--and you alone.
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Subject: Re[4]: Fireside song
Author: artg@nchgr.nih.gov (Art Glatfelter) at smtpgate
Date: 3/27/95 2:49 PM
Imust admit there is litle more amusing than murder and theft,
unless it be the degredation and rape of helpless victims. A concept so
appreciated by wag and victims alike that it forms the very corner-stone of
Chivalry, Honour, and decency. Many is the night I have sat about the fire
and laughed with rape victims at the playfull good humour expressed by
those that attacked, brutalized, and humiliated them.
Llywelen ap Rhotbert ap Gwyllym