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Re: Merry Rose favors?

<Karen gets her `broidering fingers all stretched out, and takes a sip of 
the milk in her new lovely green pressed glass gauntlet -- another two 
months and mundane authorities will allow me to order from the Tavern!>  ;)

Unto ye of the Merry Rose, greetings and salutations!

Lady Meli wrote:

>        Karen, I have choir rehearsal until 9 pm, and usually make it
>back to Farifax by about 9:30.  Would anyone still be over at Caer
>GMU doing fighting/dancing/embroidering by that hour?  Or should
>I just invite everyone over for a relaxa-revel, where we can really
>drink beer, sing songs, tell stories .... and do that embroidery thing?

Well, fight practice is generally still going strong at 10:00 pm (for 
those of you desirous of more information on Wednesday night fight 
practice at the George Mason University Physical Education Building, 
please contact either Lord Ingelri [mjohnso7@osf1.gmu.edu] or me) -- I do 
live on campus, so I can find a couple of places where we can at least 
sing songs, tell stories, and embroider, but beer is probably Out Of The 
Question on campus :)

Karen Larsdatter