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Re: BOCK the Badger

Excerpts from mail: 28-Mar-95 Re: BOCK the Badger by "Ruth A. Cardiff"@compus 
> You write:
> >We may be doing some eventing real soon now, but waiting on Clarissa (born 
> >4/15/93) and Benjamin (born 11/21/94) to mature enough to take on an 
> event!  
> WIMP WIMP WIMP.:):):) We up in Stierbach take our kids along from the 
> start! Our daughter Rowen (4/20/94) has been through War of the Roses, War 
> of the Lillies, Pensic, two Universities, and about a dozen other events. 
>         Give it a try sometime. There are many little ones at events these 
> days, and they have a great time together. There are merchants who 
> specialize in period toys and games from the newborn appropriate on up. I 
> know Rowan loves seeing other babies at events. You can also swap off 
> sitting time with other parents. Remember, even their Highnesses Michael 
> and Sionid (I know, I never could spell) have a toddler that goes to 
> events. Please don't let the kids keep you from playing with us, just make 
> sure you don't leave your kids unattended.
>         Anyway, I apoligize for the WIMP comment, but you may be surprised 
> at how much the kids may enjoy events!
>                                         Miriam (and Rowen who is looking 
> forward to playing with
> young Benjamin at a future event)

  I'm so glad I ordered kids sizes in AEthelmearc t-shirts
  (which I'm selling primarily because a great principality
  needs great t-shirts [and sweatshirts]) because the kids
  really enjoy wearing the same design their parents are
  wearing on the way to and from events.

  Do any of the SCA shirt purveyors in Atlantia make small sizes?

  My merry best -- Bertram  (who thinks a "rose in cheerful splendor"
                             [analogous to a sun-in-splendor] would
                             be a period-style version of the Merry
                             Rose tavern sign...)