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Re: More on University #38

Ginevra wrote:

> I might throw out that, while I have no more room in my home, I do have a 
> large property on the James River, and, should the weather cooperate, 
> anyone is more than welcome to camp out and use my shower/fish for dinner 
> or whatever...

You mean you're going to let us shower with your fish for dinner? Or
you have a showerfish that you'll let us eat? (sorry, had a tooth
pulled this morning and the anaesthetic is still wearing off).

In service (if somewhat groggily),

   Corun MacAnndra   | Is it a six foot polyester dinosaur the color of an
 Dark Horde by birth | International House of Pancakes with a paper plate
   Moritu by choice  | over his face? -- Y. Warner