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Greetings to Luther! (and to all the rest of you here in the tavern, this 
nippy morning!)

> You Know You've Been In Alantia Too Long When... 
>      1)   You're Driving through Reston Va and see a big van with the 
>           liscense plate ATLNTIA. 

Ah, yes--Bambi's beloved battlewagon ....  :-)  This van belongs to a very 
dear, sweet lady, a fine seamstress whose SCA name I have never known, but who 
has more fabric than even I do.  And she knows how to sew on old-fashioned 
treadle sewing machines--which means she can continue to make garb even during 
the infamous Atlantia Summer Thunderstorms & Power Outages (patent applied 
for).  Wave if you see her; we'll explain it to her later! :-)

>      2)   When your technical staff is wondering how they can all 
>           take the same week for vacation. (Pennsic week)

<VBG> Sounds like Yet Another Fine Enclave of SCA People .... my company, 
InterCon, has somewhere around 10 SCAdians or SO's of SCAdians, or folks 
allied to the SCA in some fashion .... and the product over which I have QC 
responsibility almost always is going through a major revision from late July 
to early August ....

Mundane reality.  Bummer ....

:-) :-) :-) :-)

Hope y'all have a nice day!