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BoD Meeting 8 April, One person's notes (fwd)

Reposted in total with permission.

Forwarded message:
  From antir-owner@gaia.ucs.orst.edu Sun Apr  9 14:55 EDT 1995
  Message-Id: <199504091820.LAA02667@kendaco.telebyte.com>
  Date: Sun, 09 Apr 1995 11:38:45 -0800
  From: rlindberg@kendaco.telebyte.com (R. Lindberg & E. Winnie)
  To: antir@gaia.ucs.orst.edu
  Subject: BoD Meeting 8 April, One person's notes
  Newsgroups: rec.org.sca
  Organization: Home
  Sender: antir-owner@gaia.ucs.orst.edu
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    Greetings to the readers of the Rialto and the Steps (Antir list) from
  Hroulag Nilsen.
    Yesterday I attended the Board of Directors meeting near Seattle WA.
  Here follows some facts and some of my opinions of that meeting (note
  opinions will be marking by a * at the start of each line). This is all to
  the best of my recollection, I also do not claim the the spelling of any
  names will be correct.
    In general I found this board meeting to be more upbeat and forward
  lokking then I had attended before
     Announcements from Executive Sessions:
     Randell resigned due to family and work requirements
     John Slack appoint Society Marshall
     Ed Krelling added to the BoD
     Lee Ford added to the BoD
     John Fulton term extended for 2 quarters
     Robin Jones (Kingdom of Meridies..) banishment overturned
     Joanne Sheilds (Kingdom of AnTir) banishment overturned on procedural
  grounds, but membership revoked for cause
     Chris Koke (East Kingdom) membership revoked for cause
     John Fulton elected to the President of the BoD, etc
     E.F. Morril elected to Sec of the BoD
     A motion was made to remove TImbor from the Grand Council (by A.J), failed.
  *I'd love to know what went on here
     General Meeting
     New Zealand and the Kingdom Drakenfauld (sp?>) do not have to mail in
  the non-member fees within the normal guidelines. Drakenfauld will not
  actually send money, they will just tell Milpitas how much and Milpitas
  will deduct it from the newsletter stipend.
  *This is due to the costs of currency transactions, it will actually save
  both them and the SCA money
      BoD minutes will once more be available via subscription in July, back
  issue are available.
      The current budget was available to be examined. The year end
  financial forms will be changed soon.
      The creation of the Pelican King at Arms office (Heralds) was
  approved. The Pelican will be the 'Name Nazi'.
      The TI is one issue behind and the Complete Anachronist is now three
  behind. *They 'hope' to catch up soon, what ever that means. BTW aren't we
  still owed *one from a couple of years ago?
      There are still many questions concerning both the Corp liability and
  the Chirurgeon liability. John will ask the team assembled for the
  proposed new waiver to look into this question.
      Rejected the list of 20 people sent in by the Grand Council to be
  added to the Grand Council. All they were given was a list of names. They
  also wanted to know something about these people. i.e resumes, etc
  * They were very concerned that they had no way to know who these people
  where, *they want the Grand Council to reflect all Kingdoms, ideas,
  *backgrounds, etc. The Society Seneschal was VERY concerned that there
  were only *2 (3???) women on the list. The idea was expressed that they
  needed to know who *these people were and what their background was. Even
  the 're-formers' wanted *to know more before they accepted this list.
     There was no progress from reported from the Interkingdom Council.
     There was some concern expressed over the lack of names9 sent to the
  BoD for consideration to be on the Board and the lack of comments on the
      The current Insurance expires 15 June, the is research going on into
  changing this to late January
     Thirteen new branches formed, three new Baronies awaiting elevation
  (including my home shire), four branches dissolved. It was hoped that the
  last9 of the military draw-down branches were closed.
     The next meeting will be at the Barony of March (Pittsburgh).
     There were 17 new bank accounts opened.
      The Financial policy dated Jan 95 was adopted. affective Jan 96.
      On 1 June 94 any Kingdom Seneschal or Kingdom Exchequer may sell
  memberships on-site9
  *The kingdoms are required to track the funds, forward, etc. The thought
  was *expresses that memberships should only be sold at Kingdom and
  Internkingdom *events.
      The continent of Antarctica was assigned to Trimaris. The majority of
  SCA people residing there hale from Trimaris and this was done at their
      A few counties in Western Virginia where switched from Atlantia to
  Meridies. Both kingdoms approved and was requested by the majority of
  people living there.
      The Kingdom newsletters where reminded that outside groups must pay
  for event copy, adds, etc the appear in this newsletters. An exception was
  made for public interest announcements, such as a medieval exhibit at a
      The newsletter stipend was increased to reflect increases in US
  postage.  An increase in foreign will be made once the exact figures are
      The Kingdom of the West proposed a buy-out plan to modify how the
  Kingdom pays its non-member fees. The original proposal was to pay
  according to attendance at Kingdom events., quarterly. The finial plan was
  to pay quarterly, in advance. With tracking to insure that the figures are
      There was also concern expressed over the low rate of payment of the
  non-member fee by some kingdoms.
  Ralph Lindberg N7BSN    
  email to: dragonsl@scn.org (best address, read daily) 
  rlindberg@kpt.nuwc.navy.mil (last resort only, please)
  They call it "Surfin the Net" beacuse you can wipe out so easy