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University Review

     Deoca sends glad greetings to all at the Merry Rose and Cheapside,
     Lady Celynnen and I went up to University this weekend and had a 
     wonderful time! I took the all day track on brewing and learned a 
     remarkable amount about one of my favorite topics. I was hoping to 
     come away with enough information to be able to start brewing my own 
     mead, and, sure enough, I now feel completely informed and ready to 
     start brewing. I just have to acquire the "stuff" tm. My thanks to all 
     the instructors, especially Baron Terafan and Lord Tadhg, who were 
     both patient and helpful.
     I did get a chance to see the Merry Rose sign, and yes, it's perfect. 
     I'll gladly purchase whatever product everyone decides to put it on. I 
     didn't get a chance to meet many people from the tavern, though I had 
     hoped to (I had to squeeze lunch into my schedule). I did get to 
     witness most of Lord Henry's convocation, which was most entertaining. 
     I also had the joy of witnessing Lord Henry's ankles and I must say 
     that Countess Ianthe's assessment was most apt. Henry, you have 
     remarkable ankles. I highly recommend them for viewing to all ladies 
     of the realm.
     Anyway, my Thanks to everyone who contributed to University and helped 
     make it such an enjoyable occasion.
     Deoca of Elvegast