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Re: Recorder group

How 'bout a recorder ensemble?
Anyone else out there play recorder? 

Greetings, Karen Larsdatter!
Ask and ye shall receive: there is a recorder group, just down the 
street from you, that practices weekly.  We play dance music and 
processionals at events, performance pieces, and we've done demos (most 
recent being the one at Borders Books).  Of course, we're not *just* a 
recorder group: besides having recorders of all shapes and sizes, we add 
in a rebec, guitars, cornamus [buzzies!], psaltries, percussion, and 
-yes- occasional harps and drums.  We meet Tuesday nights usually at a 
home near the intersection of Braddock road and Backlick, inside the 
beltway.  Our hostess being unavailable, we've met last week and will 
meet next week at my home in Herndon.  We usually have between five and 
eight people that gather to play.

Who are we?  Ponte Alto's "Harp and Drum Corps"!

Come play with us!

|       Barbara_Bilodeau@sra.com         |                       |    |\  |
|           Barbara Bilodeau             | aka  Anne of Carthew  |    |/  |
| Director, Information Systems Division |      Chronicler       |   /|   |
|   Systems Research and Applications    | Barony of Ponte Alto  |  |/|\  |
|        Arlington & Fairfax, VA         |  Kingdom of Atlantia  |  \_|/  |
|                                        |                       |   ./   |