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Pennsic On-Site Program Ads *IMPORTANT*

Greetings from HL Heirusalem Crystoma, Publications Officer 
for Pennsic XXIV.
The following is late-breaking information concerning the 
merchant advertising in the Pennsic ON-SITE program. I am 
sending out this message so the word about advertising goes out 
as quickly as possible, since deadlines are coming up. Please pass 
this information along to any Pennsic merchants:

As of now, the merchant guide has been placed back in the 
Pennsic Program. Due to this sudden change, the deadline for 
advertising in the program has been pushed back to May 17. All 
advertising materials must be in the hands of THE COOPERS by 
May 17 to be included in the Pennsic ON-SITE Program.
	The sizes available and fees are as follows:

Full page-7-1/2" x 10"
Non-SCA Merchants (non-SCA members)-$350
SCA Merchants-$175

Half page-7" x 5"
Non-SCA Merchants (non-SCA members)-$180
SCA Merchants-$90

Quarter page-3-5/8" x 4-7/8"
Non-SCA Merchants (non-SCA members)-$110
SCA Merchants-$55

Eighth page (business card)-3-1/2" x 2"
Non-SCA Merchants (non-SCA members)-$50
SCA Merchants-$25

All advertisements and checks should be mailed to 
Pennsic Ads
c/o David or Kenneth Cooper
Cooper's Lake Campground
205 Currie Road
Slippery Rock, PA  16057

Make checks out to "SCA, Inc.-Pennsic"

The gentleman producing the program (Lord Valentine Warner) 
has offered to "enhance" rough ads if requested to do so. This is 
to provide those merchants without access to graphics 
equipment the opportunity to present their ad in the best 
possible manner. This is a free service.
	Advertisers do not need to submit their advertisements 
actual size. As long as the proportions are correct, we have the 
ability to re-size any submissions. HOWEVER: If an advertiser 
wishes their ad to be re-sized, it MUST be submitted LARGER 
than the final size. Under no circumstances may submissions be 
larger than 8-3/4" X 12" (the size of the scanner).  Resizing is 
NOT an option if an advertiser provides camera-ready art 
containing halftones.

HL Heirusalem Crystoma, Pennsic XXIV Publications Officer