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From Lady Stephania Herring about Crown Tourney

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Will you post this for me?  Thanks!

Many thanks to Leifr Johansson for the report about Crown Tournament.  I am
Lady Stephania, and I was the troll for the event.  I would like to correct
one minor error in milord Leifr's description.  The "stained glass" panels to
which he referred in the Heraldry contest were indeed done by a Brigit.
Unfortunately, it is a case of mistaken Brigits.  The "stained glass" Brigit
is Brigit Kelly MacLean, recent autocrat of the Spring Thaw/Bed Tourney event.
 Her Highness  Brigit did enter the A&S competition with a gorgeous hearldry
display-an 80 foot long painted wall.  Both entries were FABULOUS, and I am
sure we will see them at events in the future.  And as no mention was made of
the Court held==Her Majesty was as lovely and gracious as ever, giving out 2
Urchins, 2 AoA's, a Queen's Award of Courtesy, and accepting homage and fealty
from Baroness Rachel, the new Baroness of Sacred Stone, and a payment of taxes
in the form of 59 dozen chocolate chip cookies (later shared with the
populous) from Baroness Ceridwen of Windmaster's Hill.  Her Majesty, it should
be noted, was regal and demure despite being on crutches from foot surgery.
Vivat Seonaid!
Thank you!

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