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Pennsic Booklet Errata

>From the SCA-Chroniclers mailing list.


Forwarded message:
  From owner-sca-chroniclers@dnaco.net Mon May 15 11:45 EDT 1995
  Message-ID: <AjhrM1q00YUq82iWBt@andrew.cmu.edu>
  Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 11:40:49 -0400 (EDT)
  From: "Philip Edward Cutone, III" <pc2d+@andrew.cmu.edu>
  To: sca-chroniclers@dnaco.net
  Subject: Re: [SCA-CHR] Pennsic booklet
  In-Reply-To: <Pine.3.89.9505121429.C70530-0100000@systema.westark.edu>
  References: <Pine.3.89.9505121429.C70530-0100000@systema.westark.edu>
  Sender: owner-sca-chroniclers@dnaco.net
  Precedence: bulk
  Reply-To: sca-chroniclers@dnaco.net
  Content-Type: text
  Content-Length: 1622
  Greetings all!
  I'd like to compliment everyone involved in the production of a very
  nice pre-pennsic newsletter! 
  I am, however, sorry to point out that there was one teen-sy little mistake
  You might wish to spread forth the correction among the populace:
  From the directions:
  >>>From I-80: take I-79 South to Route 433 West. 
  That should be 422, not 433.
  easy enough to miss.  Please send any other corrections to me so i can
  correct them on the online version.
  the link is in my signature.  There is also other more detailed
  information and will have links to extracts of relevent messages from
  the Rialto (as time permits...) and lists of things to pack and
  whatnot... Also if there are road delays or other info... it will show
  up there.  If you have info which does not appear there, and think it
  might be of interest, please send that along. :)
  Word has it that I will get Classes and the like there as well... VIVAT!
  Usual warnings.... nothing is official until it actually happens, and
  Information on site is always more reliable. :)  I DO try to not
  believe unsubstantiated information though...
  In Service to the People of the Society,
  Filip of the Marche
  p.s. please feel free to publish the link in your local newsletter! :)
  or possibly 
  which deals only with pennsic 24...
  From: "Philip Edward Cutone, III" <pc2d+@andrew.cmu.edu>