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Re: Atlantian Barony-Hidden Mountain Canton-Misty Marsh info

greetings, good gentles!  i forward to you an inquiry from the rialto, in 
hopes that one among us can provide this good gentle with the information he 

>From: angussca@ix.netcom.com (Thomas+Kimberly Jackson )
>Subject: Atlantian Barony-Hidden Mountain Canton-Misty Marsh info
>Date: 16 May 1995 19:45:39 GMT

>I would like to get information on people that are now in this group.
>It was my first group in the SCA and I still think of it as HOME, but
>I'm now in South Dakota and participate with the groups in
>Colorado/Northern Wyoming(execellent people). I would just like to keep
>tabs on things there. E-mail me or post it here if it isn't to gossipy.
>I've been gone for about 3 years now and peopl there Know me as Lief. I
>got my AOA at Sea Wars in 92.
>                    IN Services to all,
>                    Ld Angus Macdougall

						in service,


angharad melys, guard d'argent
sacred stone / windmaster's hill, atlantia