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RE:whats a pell was(thanks a zillion)

> What the heck is a pel?
> Incipiently In Service,
> Ashton

a pel is a practice dummy for heavy fighters there are many variations 
some human formed  others just protect the tree(carpet etc) a pel alows a 
fighter to drill alone and prevents the fighter from destroying his sword 
or the tree.  An interesting and portable pel I say amounted to a very 
heavy duty bean bag that could be strapped onto a tree on the locations 
that the fighter wanted to practice hitting.  These resembled the 
practice hand striking pads I have seen a few local dojos use.

the joke "insert name here" the human pel usually refers to a new fighter 
who can't really hit back yet and therefore KINDA gets used like a 
light striking dummy until they learn to defend themselves.

in service