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Forwarded: Pennsic Weavers' Meeting

From: CAROLYN PRIEST-DORMAN <PRIEST@vaxsar.vassar.edu>
Subject: Pennsic Weavers' Meeting
To: sca-east@world.std.com

Greeting unto the Known World from Thora Sharptooth!

I have taken the initiative to schedule a one-hour meeting this Pennsic to
which all gentles interested in the art or science of cloth weaving are
invited.  (This meeting is specifically for wide-loom weavers rather than
bandweavers or tablet-weavers.)  Said meeting will be on the Tuesday of war
week, between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. in the Messy Classes A&S Tent.  Information
about the meeting will also be included in the Pennsic booklet.

If you are interested in weaving, please come and swap sources, samples, tips,
and anecdotes with your fellow weavers.  This is not a structured meeting so
much as it is an opportunity to network, so don't be shy.  I especially hope
that people will bring information on period weave drafts and setts for

Please disseminate this message as widely as possible, especially to the
various kingdom and principality e-lists.  I have posted it to the Rialto and
to the East Kingdom list.

Carolyn Priest-Dorman			Thora Sharptooth
Poughkeepsie, NY			Frosted Hills ("where's that?")
priest@vassar.edu			East Kingdom
            Gules, three square weaver's tablets in bend Or