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Re: Will the Real Author Stand Up

To Leifr Johansson and all assembled Luther sends Greetings,

   I believe the major component of the "Doggerel" incident was the fact    
that it was posted anonymously. In multiple off-list discussions regarding 
the aftermath here, it seems that quite a few people have been abused in 
the past, via anonymous email, in other forums. There seems to be the 
automatic impression of ill-will on the authors part. I personally have seen 
anonymous mail used, like a grenade, to start flame wars on many news groups and
mailing lists. Many lists now only allow subscribed members to post due to 
anonymous posts, spam, and subscribe requests, sent directly to the list.
   Thanks for standing up, Leifr. I have been on the Atlantia-L since it's 
inception and have always found your posts to be reasonable, often amusing. 
If your name had appeared on the song, an entirely different light would 
have shown upon it.

   Let's forget the whole thing and talk about Pennsic.

As Always,

Luther - luther@infodata.com 

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Subject: Will the Real Author Stand Up
Author:  Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com> at Internet
Date:    5/25/95 1:01 PM

First of all, the very obviously needed apology:

 Your Highness, Prince Cuan, when I wrote "Doggeral" I believed 
 that you would place your academic responsibilities before your 
 duties to the Kingdom.  I was obviously wrong.  Since Crown Tourney 
 you have attended two events, at least one of which your presence has 
 been a significant factor in the success of the event (authorizing 
 seven fighters, I believe).  I applaud your efforts and apologize 
 for suggesting that you would be doing otherwise.

His highness may require of me what additional amends he may wish.