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(long) ikac standings 5/2

The following may be crossposted or printed in any sca newsletter. 
Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf, Keeper of the IKAC And IKCAC 
standings as of 5/26/95
	The standings in the Open divsion of the Interkingdom Archery 
Competition as of May 26 are: 1)  ATLANTIA-244.3. Reynard of Lochmere- 
287, Roark of Hydra Hall- 242, Ld. Adlfgar Grey Seas- 204.  2) ANTIR- 
241.6.  Julian Edward Farnsworth- 254, Jammie of Blackrose- 244,  Jon-  
227.  3) WEST- 229.3.  Joseph de la Tour- 245, Martin Whistler- 231, 
Dietrich von den Weinbergen- 212.  4) CAID-197.   Rock of Wintermist- 
239,  Thomas Blackkeep- 187,  James of the Lake- 165.  CALONTIR- 140.3. 
Catlin nic Phulain- 163,  Siegfried Stanislass- 160,  Alaric Graeme- 98.  
TRIMARIS-110.   Juan Diego- 142,  Sir Erica Bjornsdottir- 120,   Lassair 
Bantiarna Slaine- 68.  
	The scores in the Period division are: 1)  ATLANTIA- 80.3.  
Viscount Karl Helweg- 99,  Bruno Jager- 76,  Marion Lang Boogschutter- 
66.  2) ANSTEORRA- 55.3.  Lady Aelfric of Auburn -59,  Ld. Eadric of 
Hastings- 58,  Sir Arthur of the Fen- 49.  
	No full sets of scores have been received in the Crossbow 
division as yet.
	In the Interkingdom Combat Archery Competition the standings 
are:  1)  MERIDIES- 191.3.  Ld. Robert do Pergraine- 231,  Ld. Kendorf 
LUOterel- 203,  Jimmy Greene- 140.  2)  ANSTEORRA- 187.3.  Stefan von 
Drachenfels- 242,  Padric of Kilkenny- 174,  Gilbert Ost Westley- 146.  
	In the Period division broadheads are not allowed.  This includes 
modern or period reproductions of metal or stone.  They tear up the 
target faces and also present a possiable danger to other archers.   
Please make sure you include the class of the archer on the score sheet 
when sending in scores.  Remember, plastic nocks are not allowed for the 
Period division and all archers get a least the 5 per-cent bonus for 
using self nock arrows.
	If you would  like to receive the current standings and other IK 
information direct by email,  just email me with, IK list as the subject 
line and your society name, kingdom and if you hold any archery office in 
the body.
	For copies of the IKAC  rules send a legal size SASE (32 cents).  
For the IKCAC rules or both IKAC and IKCAC rules send a legal size SASE 
(55 cents).  To the Keeper of the IKAC and IKCAC, Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf, c/o 
John R. Edgerton, 7662 Wells Ave, Newark C A 94560-3530.  (510) 
791-9070.  Email:  sirjon@netcom.com