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The Official Pennsic Word

     Okay, folks.
     Hot off the presses.

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Subject: The Official Pennsic Word
Author:  sca-east@world.std.com at smtpgate
Date:    5/26/95 4:31 PM

I promise I will not clutter up our list with these reposts, but I wanted to 
forward one more.
From: ac508@dayton.wright.EDU (Beverly Roden)
Date: 25 May 1995 23:37:16 -0400
Message-ID: <9505260327.AA21216@dayton.wright.edu>
The May 20th Pennsic Staff meeting began at 1pm with opening remarks
by His Excellency, Master Aaron Swiftrunner and myself, Mistress Alexis 
MacAlister.  We then turned the meeting over to Dave Cooper to discuss 
the Sunday, August 20th closing time with the Pennsic 24 staff.
We discussed folks who have 10 - 14 hour drives - do-able with a good 
night's sleep, but suicide without.  We also discussed folks who rent 
Uhaul trucks/trailers one-way.  (these folks cannot get the vehicles on 
friday, or if they can do so, they have 2 more days of rent).  The staff 
brought up many important points.  The result will be that cars will be
allowed into camps beginning saturday night.  This policy will be published 
in the vehicle policy of the on-site program, along with information to
the membership thru kingdom newsletters.  People who wish to remain on 
on site sunday night (who are not dedicated staff or clean-up crew) for
whatever reason will need to contact Dave Cooper in writing by July 20th, 
1995.  Dave will handle all requests on a case-by-case basis.  Please 
address all correspondance to Dave Cooper, 205 Currie Road, Slippery Rock, 
PA 16057, attn: Sunday departure.
Long-time Pennsic attendees know that the war has changed much over the 
years.  These changes have come gradually.  Pennsic received a starting 
date for camping as a result of growth.  People arrived earlier and
earlier in order to secure "prime" camping space for themselves and friends. 
As a result, there were sca campers arriving in June.  The "Land Lottery" 
resulted from this change.  A major alteration in planning for Pennsic at 
the time it was instituted, it has now become an expected routine for 
camping in groups.  We asked Dave if it would be acceptable to ask folks
to pay extra fees for staying on after sunday.  He said no, and cited the 
fact that sca campers just would not go home, and the site needed to be 
vacated in order to return rental equipment, as well as for clean-up.
The Cooper family really likes the SCA.  They work very hard to make 
improvements that will make each Pennsic war more safe and enjoyable 
year after year - and without a contract assuring them of our return.
Just as the Field Battle outgrew Runestone Hill, so has the Pennsic 
War outgrown the weekend.  Perhaps it is time to give up the notion 
of Pennsic as a weekend event.
I hope this answers most folks questions.  It was really nice of Dave 
Cooper to stand up at the beginning of the meeting to clarify that the
Sunday closing rule was a Cooper decision.  Aaron and I (Mairin had to work- 
that's why there are 3 of us!) took the heat for the proofing errors -
and apologized for the way portions of the book do not agree.  We appreciate 
all the work our competent and experienced staff have put in towards making 
Pennsic 24 work.  No Pennsic war functions without a dedicated staff.
SO: to sum up - Pennsic 24 ends at noon Sunday, August 20th.
Campers are requested to depart by sundown - approx. 7pm in August, unless 
they are staff, clean-up
 or have made prior arrangements, in order that
the site may be cleaned and rental equipment returned.
Questions may be directed to Mistress Alexis MacAlister (Beverly Roden). 
My email address is:  ac508@dayton.wright.edu
Permission is gladly granted to repost this message.
Baron Aaron Swiftrunner, OL, OP
Mairin of the East Isles, OL, OP
Alexis MacAlister, OL
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