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Request for info

Greetings once again from Lady Rhiannon Ui Niall, Sea Stag

To one and all who have already assisted me in my quest to obtain
information for the update of the Atlantian heralds roster,
gracious thanks!  However, my task is far from over and I seek
once again to request help gathering info.  I mailed a request to
each seneschal for assistance, but have not received responses
from a number of groups (the postal god returned some
undelivered) and my finances do not allow for telephone calls to
this many groups, so if anyone can pass this request on to the
proper persons, I still lack information regarding the heralds
for the following groups:

Spaggia Levantina; Bright Hills; Lochmere; Roxbury Mill; Storvik;
Black Diamond; Azurmont; Citadel of the Four Winds; Caer Mear;
Isenfir; Rencester; Border Vale Keep; Cathanar; Crannog Mor;
Hindscroft; Hyrnkeep; Windmaster's Hill; Attilium; Buckston-on-
Eno; Elvagast; Saxon Moor; Hidden Mountain; Clarissa's Peak;
Misty Marsh by the Sea; Tear Sea's Shore; Kestrel's Keep; St.
Michael's Keep; and the baronial herald for Storvik

Also, not all responses were complete.  If you are a group
herald, I really need your membership info.

Please forward the following information to be included in the

Group name
primary herald or deputy?
SCA name
modern name
mailing address
phone number
membership number and expiration date 
e-mail address (if available)

A Thousand Thanks for your assistance!!!

Replies may be sent to:

Beverly Curry
18 Reynolds Rd.
Asheville, NC 28806

Always remaining, 

In Service to Atlantia,
