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Re: Henry's Ankles
Baron Corun writes:
> So you think to limit the playing field by applying arbitrary rules, eh?
> First you say you have a song,
What? I said there was a viking Hal Bard song called "Henry's Ankles".
It wasn't until Lady Deoca wanted it posted that I claimed to be writing it.
> then you say you have a poem that Aislynn is turning into a song.
I had already agreed with Aislynn to jointly write the song, and I had
already written the poetic version of "Henry's Ankles", as previewed at
the Stierbach business meeting Tuesday, when Lady Deoca asked about
posting the song on the Merry Rose.
> But isn't a limerick just another form of poetry?
> And couldn't a limerick be set to music? And didn't bards tell poetic sagas
> as well as sing or simply play instruments?
These are all fine arguements, and it seems Eogan knows of the music
limericks can be sung to, so I suppose both your and his limericks could be
considered in the competition.
> Methinks that you are simply
> greedy for Lady Deoca's meade, and seek to take control of the competition
> *she* suggested.
NO! She offered the meade, I suggested a competition.
> I will leave the decision of the inclusion of my limericks to Lady Deoca
> and the other judges. You, afterall, are only one of what should become
> several contestants. But, your gauntlet is duly noted.
Well, obviously the judges can consider what they will. I also have to
agree with Lord Hal that the judges should volunteer (Earl Dafydd, I think
is going on travel soon, so won't be available to judge) but it is Lady
Deoca's meade, so she should have some input on who'll she will have
judging. I would love to have Countess Ianthe compete.
> Corun MacAnndra |
> Dark Horde by birth | vivivi - the editor of the Beast
> Moritu by choice |
1010101110 - the binary of the Beast
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Leifr Johansson