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Fight Practice At GMU ...

Fight practice at GMU on Wednesday evenings, 7-10 PM, WILL RESUME ON
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1995.  I have authorization from Bruce Cooper on
this -- Chris, if you're still out there (and I'll be forwarding you
another copy of this message if I don't hear from you soon, Chris, and
YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!), please let me know if this time still fits in the
academic schedules!

Still checking on the sites Argent Co. requested for Anvil Chorus event.

Signed, Karen of Incipient St. Stephen's,
Who sez:  "This is beyond believin'!
'Stead of reading th' Rialto
>From here in Ponte Alto,
I'll be meeting my mother's mother's father's mother's brother's 
daughter's son's son who sent me email after I posted a message on a 
genealogy newsgroup and he'll be coming over for Sunday and we're going 
to be filling in MONDO HUGE holes in the family tree, isn't that just