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Re: Return to the White Tower

Hi Tadgh,

>      There were several requests for a change in schedule...so, lunch is on 
>      for Thursday, 27 July. We will be meeting at Vie de France at 11:30 am. 
>      I'll be holding a table for us.

Because I make my bi-monthly outings to L'Enfant for the express purpose of
cashing my paycheck, and since my bank is in the Plaza, having lunch at Vie
de France that day will be tough. Could we possibly change it to something
in the Plaza itself? I enjoy Vie de France, and if I recall, I was the one
who first mentioned it, but on check-cashing days, I have to walk to L'Enfant
from DOT, then back to Vie de France. This takes about half an hour, given
the travel time and the obligatory waiting in line at the bank.

Sorry to be such a pain.


   Corun MacAnndra   | 		The first rule of intelligent tinkering
 Dark Horde by birth | 		      is to save all the pieces.
   Moritu by choice  | 			       			  A. Leopold