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Need ride to Pennsic

It doesn't seem as if my dragon is going to be up for the journey to the 
Debabatable lands, so I am in need of transportation.  I am willing to 
provide gas money, as well as having music (period and not-so-period) to 
listen to on the ride up, and just general good company.

I live in Martinsburg, WV, about 10 miles west or so of where I-70 
crosses I-81 in Hagerstown, MD, and, hopefully, a good majority of the 
people coming from Northern Atlantia will be coming rof pathrough there.  
If anyone can help me out, e-mail me ASAP.

Oh, one more thing: I'm looking epatrying to get to Pennsic on either the 
11th or early 12th.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Istvan Dragosani                     | "Go not to the Elves for counsel,
bmccoy@capaccess.org                 |  for they will say both yes and no"
Minstrel, Mage, Sage, Wooer of Women |      -- JRR Tolkien
and General Friend of all Nature...  |