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When Henry posted Beocat, I forwarded it to my dad (who does medieval
lit).  Yesterday, he saw it on the Anglo-Saxon list
(ansax-l@wvnvm.wvnet.edu), posted by "L.Hunter Cassells"
<mellyrn@enh.nist.gov>, asking if anybody knew where it came from;
today, he got this reply:

> Date:         Thu, 27 Jul 1995 19:28:19 -0700
> From: Lita Verts <vertsl@UCS.ORST.EDU>
> Subject:      Beocat et al
> To: Multiple recipients of list ANSAX-L <ANSAX-L@WVNVM.WVNET.EDU>
> For those interested in the correct citation for 'Beocat', it is found in
> a volume entitled 'Poetry for Cats; the definitive anthology of
> distinguised feline verse' by Henry Beard, Villard books, 1994.  It also
> includes such gems as 'The Cat's Tale' by Geoffrey Chaucers Cat; 'She
> walks in booties' by George Gordon, Lord Byron's Cat; and 'The End of the
> Raven' by Edgar Allen Poe's Cat, among others of equal note.  Great fun
> to present to students who are beginning to glaze over!
>         Lita Verts (vertsl@ucs.orst.edu)

(OK, so maybe mellyrn has already posted this--I wouldn't have seen
yet, I don't subscribe here at work.  I just didn't want to assume he
was on atlantia-l; funny stuff travels fast on the Net.  :-)

|John (Francis) Stracke | My opinions are my own. | PGP public key available |
|InSoft, Inc.           |====================================================|
|Mechanicsburg, PA      | In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man      |
|francis@insoft.com     |  is in therapy.                                    |
  Francois Thibault          AFP of PA!       Shire of the Blak Rose (East)
  Argent, a cock gules, and, on a chief sable, three standing stones argent