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Laws of Atlantia

-- [ From: Phillip Jones * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

Unto the Citizens (denizens?) of the Merry Rose doth Phillip Bell send both
greetings and a request.

I have URGENT need for a digital copy of the Great Laws of Atlantia,
preferably in a fomat recognizable by Microsoft Word 7.0

If you can scan, or in any other way provide these laws in a digital format
PLEASE send them along to me at Jonesj@sunbelt.net. Trust me, if you can
digitize it, I can translate it, and no effort will go unrecognized.......

We need to get a Red-tape issue out, and this publication will happen faster
if YOU can send me a copy of the last red-tape issue you've got......

Thank you

Phillip Bell