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Master Alron of Carillion

Forwarded from the Meridies List

If you have ever been to the Pennsic War,  you may have met Master Alron of
Carillion, known as The Shadowmaker.  He was the grouchy old  knife merchant
under the trees next to the fence and not too far from  from the play ground.
 When not selling some of the finest blades around he would be happy to hold
court on a number of subjects,  from the escoteric to the mundane.  Subjects
ranged from how to  temper a blade, cast a circle or make your own explosives
 for fun and profit.

The Shadowmaker is best known for his knives and swords.  Well enough known,
in fact,  that several years ago the King of the East stood up  during the
War Court, drew his Shadowmaker sword, and pronounced  him a Companion to the

I saw The Shadowmaker  at Pennnsic  again this year.  His back was bothering
him so badly that he could barely move around.  Others had to help him unpack
and pack.  This did not stop him from telling innumerable stories and
creating all sorts of mischief.

After Pennsic, he went to the doctor again about his back.  This time
additional tests revealed cancer.

Chemo therapy appeared to be working .  The tumor was shrinking.  
But then Friday night he started to react to the chemo.  Monday morning,
 about 2 AM Eastern Standard Time, Master Alron of Carillion, Companion of
the Laural,  Kingdom of the East,  ended his love hate relationship with
life.  He is sorely missed.

The Shadowmaker did not wish a funeral.  Instead  perhaps  there shall be a
party  at Pennsic XXV in his honor.


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