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Hunger & Homelessness Awareness "Can Competition" (fwd)

The following is a message I received about a competition for George 
Mason University campus organizations.  I seem to have had ... a THOUGHT!

How 'bout we compete?  (I'm e-mailing this message to the members of the 
GMU chapter, as well as the Kingdom mailing list, for those of you who 
don't know what the other address above is.)  ;)

It'd be cool to see an ad thanking the Society for Creative Anachronism 
for being the biggest donor to the canned food drive ;)

Let me know what y'alls think ...

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Lady Karen Larsdatter med det Usigelige Efternavn fra Skyggedal
Seneschale of the Incipient College of St. Stephen - Another Fine Product
  of the Barony of Ponte Alto

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 13:06:42 -0500 (EST)
From: ALEX L MARTIN <amartin3@osf1.gmu.edu>
To: solist@gmu.edu
Subject: Hunger & Homelessness Awareness "Can Competition"

Dear Student Leaders,

Hopefully, you and the members of your group are aware that Hunger & 
Homelessness Awareness Week will be observed at GMU on Nov. 11-17. We 
members of the "Religious Umbrella" hope that you will contribute to the 
success of the week by sponsoring any activities that you feel are 
appropriate. However, just in case you haven't figured out how you'd like 
to be involved (and even if you have) we would like to issue you the 
following opportunity or challenge:

The GMU Religious Umbrella challenges the University's other student 
groups to a "Hunger & Homelessness Awareness" Food Drive.

Here's the way the "Campus Can Competition" will work:

First, your group should determine how you want to participate in this 
project. You have 3 options: a) participate as an individual group; b) 
form an "alliance" with other, related student groups, or c) participate 
as one of GMU's student organization umbrellas. The student activities 
office can give you a list of the umbrellas.

During the week of Nov. 11-17, encourage your group members to collect 
non-perishable food items or cash donations. You will have to find a 
place to keep these contributions until the "great presentation" on 
Friday, Nov. 17. However, if you are having trouble finding storage 
space, room will be made available at the Baptist Student Center on 
Roberts Road. Please note: it is not necessary to coordinate your 
collection efforts with other groups, although you may do so if you wish.

On Friday, Nov. 17, between the hours of 10am and 2pm, a collection site 
will be set up on the Quad. You can bring what you've collected to the 
site anytime during this time frame. If you are unable to work this into 
your schedule, please contact the Baptist campus minister at the Campus 
Ministry Association (x33323) and an alternative will be arranged.

When you arrive at the collection site, someone will be on hand to record 
what student group you represent, the umbrella or "alliance" with which 
you are participating (if any), and how many points you are to receive 
for your donation. 1 point is awarded for each food item, and 1 point is 
awarded for each dollar received.

All food items and money will be given to Fairfax Fish (For Immediate 
Sympathetic Help). The winner of the competition will be announced at the 
"Step for Hunger" show that evening. In addition, the top student group 
and student umbrella (or alliance) will be honored with a Broadside ad to 
appear in the edition following Thanksgiving Break.

The "Campus Can Competition" is open to all University student groups. If 
you have any questions, please contact Alex Martin, Baptist Campus 
Minister, at 993-3323 or 941-69822. Or e-mail me at amartin3@gmu.edu.