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RE: FAQ: Monthly Posting

On Fri, 3 Nov 1995, Dennis R. Sherman wrote:

> > [Note:  As some of you may note, the above paragraph and others are 
> > taken directly from the Rialto FAQ.  I attempted to contact Robyann, 
> > the author of the FAQ who is in fact on our list, but received no 
> > response.  If you do read this, Robyann, and decide you do not want 
> > me to use parts of your FAQ, please contact  me immediately and I 
> > will rewrite them. -- Kendrick]
> > 
> I thought we went over this the first time you posted the Atlantia-L FAQ?
> Just stick a note in the FAQ somewhere that credits the Rialto FAQ, and I
> won't worry.
> Or maybe you accidentally posted an old, unrevised version of the
> Atlantia-L FAQ.
Oops, you're right, I completely forgot to take that out of
the FAQ.  I bet my forgetfulnetss must have something to do
with getting married two months ago.  Sorry.

 Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@netcom.com    |  D /       C /  Fence
 Arlington       | lovelace@dcscorp.com   | ()~    --+-\\   Fence
 Virginia        | lovelace@capaccess.org | / >        | \  Fence
         Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant 
       sable between three compass roses conterchanged.