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Do You Have a Milpitas Horror Story?

Dear Friends,
     Those of you who might have read my comments in the Acorn or attended
the Seneschal's meetings at Unevent or heard my report at the last Curia
will know that a LOT of people have been dissatisfied with their treatment
at the hands of OUR employees at SCA Membership Services in Milpitas, CA.
     Now is your opportunity to have your voice heard at the BOD level. If
you will give me "the cold, hard facts" of your less than satisfactory
interactions with Milpitas, I'll get them to Duchess Sedalia, Society
Seneschale, who will take them not only to Renee Signorotti, but to the BOD
as well.
     Any inputs you wish to make should come to me NLT 31 Dec. Thanks for
your assistance in trying to make the dog wag the tail instead of vice
versa. Happy Holidays to all.
Warm regards,