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Re: Schlager Test Report -Reply

I pulled this from the Calontir list.  Thought it might be of interest!!


>>> William Wilson <william.wilson@nau.edu> 01/16/96 10:39am >>>
Here is a copy of our tests using broken schlagers and trigger cloth.
Our results are radically different than yours.  We used a scientific
approach to the tests and because of the manner in which the tests
were  done we are able to state clearly and safely that four layers of
trigger  are more than adequate protection.

As a note, Don Christophe is formerly of the Outlands and has been
studying this type of test for quite some time.  Lady Bianca is an expert in
materials and so is a very good judge of how materials act.  Its her

I have been the Kingdom Marshal of Fence fort Atenveldt for 3 years
now and have been fencing with schlagers for about 10 years.  Our
history shows that injuries typically do not result from broken schlagers. 
Injuries occur when stiff blades or heavy handed fighters do blunt
trauma damage to other fencers.  Luckily inthe past three years this has
happened only a few times in the Kingdom.  A group called the Adrian
Empire uses schlager blades and even though they hit very hard and do
cuts with the blades, their armor standards are not as strict as ours and
they do not report (to my knowledge talking with them) any more injuries
than we have in the SCA with schlager blades.  I have suggested inthe
past and will continue to suggest that a padded doublet be worn for
schlager and that layers of trigger is not as important.  

Master Gwylym ab Owain, DWS

The tests....

This is a copy of the tests performed by Don Christophe lo Blanco and
Lady Bianca D-Orsini.

Extracted from an article by Lord Jakob von Hohl

The first test was performed with the fabric laid out on a carpet with
1/4 inch of padding underneath.  Each end of a fish scale was attached
to the ceiling and to a broken blade.  The tension on the scale was set to
zero pounds before each thrust.  The blade was thrust with increasing
poundage and the results noted.

For the second test, a 1/4 inch of padding was sewn to each test
section of fabric.  Each section was then stretched tightly on a frame
which was held at arms length by Lady Bianca.  The scale was then
attached to the wall and the sword.

In the third series of tests fabric was wrapped over pork ribs.  The ribs
were held at arms length by Lady Bianca and again the scale was
attached to the wall and the sword.

Several types of tight weave fabrics, trigger cloth and similar, were used
for all of the testing.  This report focuses on the puncture resistance of
tight weave fabrics.  Tests were performed on one through four layers
of fabric.  Three broken blades were used.  Two were broken in combat
by the Adrian Empire (a live steel organization) and one was intentionally
broken to compare the breaks.  The breaks were very similar.  All three
blades were used in each series.  Angles of thrust varied from 0 to 90
degrees.  The most penetration occured at 0 deg. to
45 deg.  At higher angles, with multiple layers the first layer punctured,
but bunched up and prevented further penetration.

One layer of trigger, or equivalent, is punctured by 22 lb of force with a
broken blade.  Two layers require 28 lb of force and three or more over
100 lb of force.

The following is a chart from the broken Hosten blade tests:

Test: Punch test on tightly stretched cloth.
Notes: In each attempt, the thrusts are straight in at the same location on
the fabric.
Layers of Trigger: 1

                             Attempts Made
Lb. of       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
01-18                   No result
20                   Tear
22                   Thru

Layers of Trigger: 2

                             Attempts Made
Lb. of       1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
01-22                   No result
24                   Tear
22               Thru 1st
26-30        Thru 1st-Thru 2nd

Layers of Trigger: 3+
No visible effect up to 100lb. of focused pressure at one point.  With
angle added to the thrusts, fabic would tear and blade would penetrate
at 30 lb. of pressure.  As a result fabric tended to bunch on blade and
slow enough to minimize penetration of the 2nd layer and no penetration
of a 3rd layer.

Note: 3 oz leather gave same test results as 2-3 layers of trigger.

* William Wilson - Northern AZ Univ                    *
* william.wilson@nau.edu  *** http://mac9.ucc.nau.edu  *