The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Wed Jan 07 20:04:44 98
140 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
John Tangent /o (410 (01/01/96)
- Pottery in the Northern Atlantia area.,
John Tangent /o (410 (01/01/96)
- 12th night weather,
Sean Sorrentino (01/03/96)
- Meridies Rapier Rules are available,
davis (01/04/96)
- weather update for 12th night,
Sean Sorrentino (01/04/96)
- 12th Night Reminder,
Charlene Noto (01/04/96)
- Broadside of a Board Vol 3, No. 1 and Post Scriptum,
Flieg Hollander (01/06/96)
- Roanoke,
Robin Frances Krimm (01/06/96)
- Are people stuck at 12th Night?,
Wynn Klosky (01/08/96)
- Winter events in Black Diamond,
Tanner Lovelace (01/08/96)
- Our pal, Netcom,
John Strauss (01/09/96)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Our pal, Netcom,
John Strauss (01/11/96)
- Re: Our pal, Netcom,
John [Francis] Stracke (01/11/96)
- Re: Our pal, Netcom,
Rick Steeves (01/12/96)
- RE: Our pal, Netcom,
Thorpe, John (01/12/96)
- Re[2]: Our pal, Netcom,
Wilsey, Marty (01/13/96)
- re: Re[2]: Our pal, Netcom,
Kate Spears (01/16/96)
- Re[4]: Our pal, Netcom,
Wilsey, Marty (01/16/96)
- Re: Re[2]: Our pal, Netcom,
John Strauss (01/16/96)
- Re: Re[2]: Our pal, Netcom,
John [Francis] Stracke (01/18/96)
- 13th Night,
David K. Bodman (01/09/96)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- 13th Night,
John Strauss (01/10/96)
- Re: looking for sign language interpreter,
James Ghent (01/10/96)
- Winter Events up North,
sharon hines (01/11/96)
- Netcom's lag times,
Dave Montuori (01/11/96)
- 12Night & List,
Scott Callicutt (01/11/96)
- 12th night wrapup.,
Sean Sorrentino (01/11/96)
- The Land and the Prince are One,
John Strauss (01/11/96)
- For Reinhard v. Stettin; apologies to all others,
Wynn Klosky (01/11/96)
- Never Too Early for love,
Jeff Tyeryar (01/11/96)
- Schlager Test Report,
James Crouchet (01/13/96)
- Bread from University,
Bryn Watkins (01/15/96)
- No Subject,
Susie Moran (01/15/96)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- No Subject,
Kathrine Fletcher (01/25/96)
- Fool's Twelfth Night,
Matthew Allen Newsome (01/16/96)
- Thirty Year Celebration,
Donna Hrynkiw (01/16/96)
- The Feast of the Thirty,
TREY SUTTER (01/16/96)
- listserver option (my pal Netcom),
Debera Rothschild (01/17/96)
- Has Anyone Seen A Fool?,
Jeff Tyeryar (01/17/96)
- SCA sign Language,
LTjg, USN 3-8401 ext 167 Bldg 8 Rm 207 (01/17/96)
- Thank you,
Charlenn (01/18/96)
- Middle Eastern dance in Bright Hills?,
Susan Keener (01/18/96)
- Nothing tonight.,
Dan Carey - Unisys (01/18/96)
- Southern War Practise A&S Competition,
Charlene Noto (01/18/96)
- EastKingdom Schlager Punch Test,
Dylan (01/21/96)
- SCA-Meridies holds first rapier academy,
LDulin (01/21/96)
- Letter from the BoD,
Terry L. Neill (01/21/96)
- Extra Cash!,
Daniel G. Chase (01/21/96)
- The 3YC Truemark Archery Challenge (fwd),
John Edgerton (01/22/96)
- drumming &dancing,
Andrea Harrison (01/22/96)
- Broadside Preview - No more Tax!,
Flieg Hollander (01/22/96)
- SCA sign,
Matthew Allen Newsome (01/22/96)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: SCA sign,
John [Francis] Stracke (01/24/96)
- Feb. 3 in Storvik & the Mail,
Jeff Tyeryar (01/22/96)
- Garbage -> Extra Cash! (fwd),
Mario M. Butter (01/23/96)
- SCA-equestrian mailing list available now,
Wendy Colbert (01/23/96)
- medieval unmentionables,
Matthew Allen Newsome (01/23/96)
- Re: Most Disgusting Creative Anachronism (fwd),
Dexter Guptill (01/23/96)
- Funny thing...,
Elizabeth Urbanik (01/24/96)
- Re: [Middlebridge] Broadside Preview - No more Tax!,
Arlene A. Garfield (01/25/96)
- Fight Practice at GMU,
Karen Elisa Green (01/25/96)
- underwear and alexander,
Mary Morman (01/25/96)
- Need roommates for Ymir,
Cheryl L. Martin (01/25/96)
- Broadside of a Board, Vol. III, No. 2,
Flieg Hollander (01/25/96)
- Heavy Rapier Rules 01/19/96,
James Crouchet (01/25/96)
- Flyer for Ponte Alto Baronial Birthday,
OXFORDS (01/25/96)
- EastKingdom Schlager Punch Test - Forwarded,
Terafan Greydragon (Peter C Barclay) (01/25/96)
- Heavy Rapier Rules, Correction,
James Crouchet (01/26/96)
- Estrella A&S competitioin agenda ..... (Fwd),
Peter C Barclay (01/26/96)
- Ponte Alto Event Flyer,
OXFORDS (01/26/96)
- medieval undies,
The Davidsons (01/27/96)
- Subscribing assistance requested,
Scott Silvers/James of Westmorland (01/27/96)
- HR Rules - Part 1 of 3,
James Crouchet (01/28/96)
- Camping at Heralds' Point @ Pennsic 25,
Jack Dominey (01/28/96)
- Kill the NMS Now,
E.T. Smith (01/28/96)
- HR Rules Part 3 of 3 (Release Notes),
James Crouchet (01/28/96)
- HR Rules Part 2 of 3,
crouchet (01/29/96)
- job opportunity,
Kate Spears (01/29/96)
- Re: preregistration,
E. F. MORRILL (01/29/96)
- Pennsic land instructions,
E. F. MORRILL (01/29/96)
- Heraldic Submissions Address Change,
R. Mark Jones (01/29/96)
- Leather apron source (& military goods),
Terafan Greydragon (Peter C Barclay) (01/29/96)
- Heraldic Computer Programs,
Michael Surbrook (01/30/96)
- SCA 800 number!,
Carol O'Leary (01/30/96)
- Event Announcement,
Susan (01/30/96)
- Missing Messages?,
John Strauss (01/31/96)
- hand fasting and banns,
Matthew Allen Newsome (01/31/96)

The Merry Rose Archive