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Re: medieval unmentionables

To Eogan and anyone else who might be interested, this has actually been 
a hot topic of discussion a few times on the historic costuming list.  
There may even be a FAQ on it in the archives.  If you'd like to take a 
look and ask the people there, you subscribe through

(standard no message in subject, subscribe h-costume  in text body)

I think the moderators address is grm+@andrew.cmu.edu, but I've not reset 
my mail since X-mas vacation, so I'm not sure off the top of my head.


On Tue, 23 Jan 1996, Matthew Allen Newsome wrote:

> Greetings one and all...  I thought this tavern would be a perfect place 
> to glean the knowledge I seek.  The knowledge is of an extremely 
> specialized and sophisticated nature, of the kind only noble gentles such 
> as yourselves may possess.  The information I seek is that regarding the 
> chivalrous topic of.....  MEDIEVAL UNDERWEAR.
> Seriously, it's "help Eogan with his homework time" here at the Merry 
> Rose.  I'm doing a (breif) anthropology paper, and one of my options for 
> topics is Medieval Undies.  Before I commit myself to it, though, I 
> wanted to scope out just how much information was out there.  Our school 
> library had one great source, _The_History_of_Underclothes_, by C. 
> Willett and Phillis Cunnington.  Does anyone know of other sources 
> available, or know anything about period underwear they could share?  Any 
> help would be appreciated.  Thanks
> Aye,
> Eogan