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Re: Farewell, I'm off to Ansteorra

unto lord ian does melys send greetings!

milord, your passage from our kingdom will be a loss felt sorely by those 
who have had the privilege and the pleasure of your company.  your wit 
and wisdom have oft brightened my days, and my gloom at your departure is 
lightened only by contemplation of how lucky the ansteorrans are to 
welcome you to their ranks.  i hope your journey is swift and uneventful 
and your new home and occupation are every bit as wonderful as you so 
richly deserve.

oh, and btw - 


lisa lorenzin                   every normal man must be tempted, at times,
lisa@trinet.com                 to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag,
http://www.privnet.com/lisa     and begin slitting throats.  - h.l. mencken