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Re: Selecting Crowns

Lady Anarra writes:

> Hm.  Maybe it's time for the InterKingdom Advisory Council (IAC) to 
take up a
> possible revision of the method of choosing the Crown. I would like to see any
> recommendation provide *options* for kingdoms to choose from rather than re-
> vamping the system and requiring all kingdoms to do it one new way.


While the thirteen Laurel Kingdoms all have the same method for chosing 
their kings, it seems not surprising that they all agree to accept the 
transferablility of the Society Peers each kingdom makes.  If you change 
the method for chosing kings from kingdom to kingdom, do you really think 
that all the kingdoms will continue to accept the transferability of 
peerage orders???????

Maybe, rather, we should think this way.  Acre makes their Kings by war, 
and (I suppose) they make peers.  Maybe we should see if we can find 
those peers as acceptable, and recognizable.  Then, if we could stomach 
that, we could think about loosening the requirements on the thirteen 
Laurel Kingdoms.  KoNordmark recently split off from the SCA, that's 
another possible test case, as is Far Isles, as is the Empire of Adria.

If you can show me that we can reach out from where we are, to other 
groups with different systems, and recognize them, then I think the 
Society could change the rules for its own method for chosing kings.

Think about Angelsey for a minute.  This is a group almost entirely inside
the Kingdom of Atlantia, but a spin off of Markland.  Markland disowns 
them.  What would it take to get them to swear loyalty to the Crown of 
Atlantia?  A Seat on Curia (if that meant anything)?  A Court Baronacy 
for their chosen leader?  Would we ask them to fight with us in any 
domestic war (Sea Wars, Pointless) but let them be free to sell their 
services at Pennsic and Estrella?

In the end, the legitimacy of our Kings rests not on the fact they won a 
Crown Tourney, but on the fact that the populace decides to acknowledge 
them Kings.  In fact, I would prefer it if we said "Prince by Right of 
Arms", and "Acknowledged King of Atlantia".

This is, after all, a volunteer organization.  It falls apart when you 
try to apply force to achieve your goals.

In Service
Leifr Johansson