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Re: double messages

Xavier wrote:
>does this have anything to do with the double messages?
>I replied to it 
>it told me I wasn't a member, but I stopped getting two messages
>or at least the second one hasn't arrived yet
>Has anyone else been getting double messages besides Kai and me?

Yes, I was getting double messages, but Kendrick thought it might be because
I subscribed to the new list and then he moved the old list members file
over to it later. That would have accounted for me getting double messages.
I'm not getting them anymore though.

My question, though, was about one list sending out info on the other. Could
be related, but...

In service,

  Corun MacAnndra   | 		
Dark Horde by birth | 		   Gort, Klaatu mirabile dictu.
  Moritu by choice  | 		        -- from The Day The Earth Spoke Latin

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