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University Atlantia #40, penultimate call for teachers
George Mason University, spitting distance from the DC beltway.
I am running late, as usual; but I hope to have a course
catalog ready to fold and staple at Crown Tourney, beginning of
May. That means I need your classes now.
If you aren't already talking to me about your class, then
let's start talking. Pass the word to the non-netted among us and
please act as messengers where appropriate.
There remain some open dean positions for this session.
If you have an idea for a track of classes, get in touch with me
and let's get you started beating the bushes for teachers.
Almost anything is a reasonable idea for a track. Niall
McKennett is serving as the "Dean of Low-Lifes" for example.
He is gathering up classes on such diverse matters as
street busking, pickpocketing, and period style dirty tricks
in rapier.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Henry Best
University Atlantia
Chancellor for 2 more months
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