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Pas d'Armes Tournies
Regarding Pas d'Armes (a reproduction of a medieval tournament),
Tibor wrote:
> If you are going to be at Pennsic, there will be a period Pas d'Armes held
> there again this year. I attended last year's Pas des Sept Trevaux: it was
> the single most worthwhile Society experience I have ever had. No
> exaggeration. I urge you all to watch or participate.
> Sir Dafydd? Care to comment?
I'm very pleased that you found it that enjoyable, Tibor.
For those that have not seen a Pas (of which I believe the best example was
last November, in Atlantia: the Challenge of the Seven Deadly Sins), it
is an attempt to reproduce a tournament type of the middle 15th century.
It is an event of theater as well as martial prowess. Perhaps some
who have participated in the several Pas at Pennsic over the last years
or in Atlantia would describe their experiences with them? I would be
interested in an outside view.
Last years Pas (of Seven Trials) was a combined effort of the following
Tournament Companies: Company of St. Mark, of St. Michael, of St. George,
of the Star, of the Peacock; and the Tenans of Noble Folly. (In no
particular order, and I think I may have forgotten one). Respectively,
they were from the kingdoms of Atlantia, East, West/Caid (I'm not
certain), Trimaris, Middle, and Middle.
It was a success in spite of the tremendous heat and the ugly logistics
nightmare of a multiple-group cooperative effort. It wasn't much of
a personal success for me, as I was hit in the throat with a spear
very early in the fighting and had to sit out the rest of the day in
pain. Very frustrating after putting a lot of effort into the Pas.
This is not a new thing--the Company of St. Michael has run a Pas at
Pennsic the two years before, assisted by St. Mark the year before.
All the other Companies have run Pas d'Armes or other types of repros
of medieval tournaments within the kingdoms in which they reside. For
example, the last two years of the Knight of the Heart event in Lochmere
have been passages at arms supported by the Company of St. Mark (the
Atlantian tournament society, whose captain I have the honour to be).
There have also been Pas at Emerald Joust (as there will this year
as well), and the most successful Pas in which I have been involved
was last November in the Challenge of the Seven Deadly Sins (where
the Company of St. Michael assisted that of St. Mark; the autocrat
was Karl von Nordmark) in Sacred Stone (or near there).
This year coming up there will be Pas at Pennsic (different from last
year, with simpler organizational structure), at the Knight of the
Heart event in Lochmere, at Emerald Joust (Sunday, run by Baron
Corby), and at Dun Carraig in October (I think) run by Baron Adenwald.
Does anyone have any specific questions I can answer?
Dafydd ap Gwystl
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