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Jonathan's CCMAIL - translated for normal mailers
Greetings, good gentles!
Since Jonathan seems to be having difficulty conquering his mailer (at
least I imagine so considering the slew of fragmentary messages I've
gotten from him), I figured I'd enter the fray:
Author: David H Ritterskamp at DPCDES01
Date: 4/9/96 8:44 AM
Priority: Normal
Receipt Requested
TO: atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu at INTERNET
Subject: Selecting Crowns, a collective reply
Leifr wrote (and I'll reply point by point):
Well, it seems to me that the point and problem with the system is
that we WANT Kings who are both popular, and capable of handling the
theatric aspects of the job (see Master James' latest missive).
a territorial prince FIRST, as I suggested elsewhere, and then
between them for the best candidate I think is a nifty way of
achieving this.
(Popular, yes; politically popular, not necessarily. I can think of
several people who are popular, and yet not politically good
the vagaries of politics being what they are. Do you really want to
leave the Crown up to popular vote?
If this is attempted, I foresee (putting hand to forehead in full
'fortuneteller' motif) candidates being 'elected', declaring
'platforms', 'reforms', etc., in short, all the BS that goes along
with mundane politics today. NOT my idea of fun.)
I think the Princes should be asked first if they can agree on one
them being King.
(See above.)
Then, if that doesn't produce a consensus, I think the Landed Barons
should act as Electors, and vote for their choice as King (if a
disagrees, half a vote each).
(See above.)
If you can't get 2/3rds of the Baronies to agree (that's 9 votes,
right now), Then, by god, let the Candidates have a war.
(That would be my first option rather than the last option.)
I suspect we would get a war once every two or three years, with
different principalities aligning differently each time. That would
reduce the common problem of lingering hard feelings, and would give
us a variety of means for selecting our Crown.
(I mostly agree here; I once wondered aloud why there weren't more
events simulating 'border wars', with factions and the like, and was
told that if that were to happen, pretty soon there'd be real
developing, and bad feelings because So And So kicked our butts last
time, so it's us against them, and...etc. Anything that avoids
lingering hard feelings is a good thing. Anything that PRECLUDES
feelings is even better.)
Alfredo writes:
I would like to clarify that my idea was a series of Crown Tourneys
that are as _open_ as the current single Crown Tourney. Lord Leifr
suggestion that Coronet Tourneys lead to a King would require a
in Corpora as well as dividing all of Atlantia into Principalities.
Lord Jonathan's regional-candidate idea would also require a change
Corpora. Furthermore, I believe that regional competition for
results (rather than brag rights) fosters Bad Blood.
(First, I feel compelled to mention that I don't know enough about
Corpora to say this with complete certainty. HOWEVER...I clearly
wasn't specific enough about it. Take Two...
A Northern, Central, Southern setup doesn't necessarily mean that
Northern can't compete in Southern's tourney, just that if he, oh,
say, fails to win Northern's and really feels that he's a viable
candidate, he can drive (quick! examine that man) to Southern's [or
Central's] tourney, possibly win, and be the 'Southern' candidate.
Sorry, Alfredo-mea culpa on that one. I would be the LAST person to
advocate choosing candidates based on Region...then we really would
have a nasty situation, with populace segments backing various
candidates for their geographical affinity, rather than for the
candidate they truly believed to be worthy.
On the other hand, if Joe Northern drove down to Southern's tourney,
that would be a plus for him in my book; he's showing that as a
Northern candidate he has the courage of his convictions to drive
clear down here in the lowlands to prove it [Vivat to HRH Galmr for
doing just that @ Gulf Wars and various other decidedly 'Southern'
events, and one of these days I plan to be as committed to a good
to drive ungodly distances...[Black Tower, anyone? Raise your
Sorry to wax this loquacious, but, hey, where ELSE is anybody going
listen without being able to interrupt? ~(:->)
Last one:
Eogan quoth:
In response to Jonathan Blackbow's recent post,
I beleive that the most signifigant thing he said was
"...a good time had by all."
Just reminding everyone :)
(Why, thank you, Eogan. Remind me to buy you at least a beer after
get down off this soapbox.
Remember, folx, I'm just exploring the current system and
brainstorming alternatives, primarily because if people were happy
with the current system, there wouldn't be much discussion on
alternatives, now would there?
...If the idea is good, it'll carry itself; if the idea is not good,
hey, that's what a discussion forum is for in the first place.
*sits back down, empties a large tankard, hands one to Eogan, and
settles back to watch the fireworks...*
J. Blackbow
Jonathan, wanna just use me as a translation service until you get your act
together? *wry grin*
In Service, I remain,
lisa lorenzin april is the cruelest month, breeding
lisa@trinet.com lilacs from the dead land, mixing
http://www.privnet.com/lisa memory and desire... - t. s. eliot
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- References:
- From: "David H Ritterskamp" <dhritter@dpcmail.dukepower.com>