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Re: Royal Class
The answer is quite simple: Whoever is willing to show up, shows up
and talks.
The people who won't or can't should have no trouble answering a short
written Q&A on what it was like to be king; worst memory, best memory,
any memory at all for that matter (sorry, it was there ;>), particular
memory of anyone that was raised to the peerage during their reign (I
guarantee you that no one who was there will soon forget Duncan's
knighting, for the tooth chips if nothing else), & anything else that
a randomly chosen group of people think would be pertinent.
It doesn't have to be anything deep & meaningful; a narration on a
favorite (or infamous) moment, whatever it is, it doesn't really
matter as long as there's something. Heck, we could probably fill a
book with this stuff!
Hey, there's an idea...collate the recollections of Atlantia's kings &
Queens since Atlantia Year I & put it into a book. I'd LOVE to read
And the title? Well, I don't want to solve ALL your problems for
you...which is a good thing, because I have enough problems solving my
own problems.
(scratches his head and wonders if that sentence made sense, decides
to leave it where it is...)
J. Blackbow
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Subject: Re: Royal Class
Author: kuijt@umiacs.UMD.EDU at INTERNET
Date: 4/18/96 2:53 PM
Alys of Foxdale <foxdale@widomaker.com> wrote:
>>Henry Best, are you listening?
>>More importantly, University of Atlantia Teachers, are _you_ listening?
And Anarra seconded:
>More importantly, are any Royal Peers listening and willing??
It ain't that simple.
This sort of class has been discussed off and on for many years, and
it may even have been taught once or twice.
The joys and pains of being Royal are directly related to what is
commonly called the "style" of the particular monarchs. If I tell you
that being Monarch means going to 22 events (and 3 weddings, as it
turned out) in 30 weekends, that is true -- for my reign. The next
three Kings together went to a total (in all three reigns) of 24
events. Clearly, their joys and pains were very different from mine.
For me, being King means something very different than what it means
for Anton, or Galmr, or Cuan, or Michael, or any other ex-King. The
organization is different. My perception of the duties is different.
My style is different. The way I ran court was different. The way
our reign was organized was different. The events we went to were
different. Our attitude towards the populace was different. Our
crew (the people to whom we delegated tasks) was different. And
this is true for almost every King--all these things are more or less
different from every other King. So whose version of the class should
be taught?
(royal peer, listening, but not sure he is willing :^)
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