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Re: Royal Class

On Thu, 18 Apr 1996, Lisa Steele wrote:

> On Thu, 18 Apr 1996 kuijt@umiacs.UMD.EDU wrote:
> > It ain't that simple.
> > 
> > The joys and pains of being Royal are directly related to what is 
> > commonly called the "style" of the particular monarchs.  If I tell you
>   So what about a panel discussion rather than a class? Take 2-4 royal 
> peers with radically different styles and have each address the general 
> issue.
>   --Esclarmonde
Oh, sincee that would take all day anyway (and possibly half the night!), 
just go ahead and make a whole royalty track!

(OW!, she says, as her tongue goes right _through_ her cheek!)

Alys of Foxdale
Sallie Montuori 

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